Engineering assumes the central role in Entalpia Engineering because it has always characterized the company's activities. The technical experience in multiple fields with years of experience, enables us to to better face the most sensitive part...
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Cogeneration or CHP (Co-Heating & Power) is the simultaneous production of electricity and heat, using the same fuel for both uses. The CHP aims for a more efficient use of primary energy, allowing significant savings in energy bills. The mai...
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Entalpia Engineering makes available to its customers expertise gained in the design and construction of termotechnical plants in industry and tertiary fields. The company operates as EPC-Engineering, Procurement & Construction- contractor, a...
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Entalpia Engineering proposes to upgrade the plant efficiency to reduce the cost of used energy, both electrical and thermal, through a series of activities which could achieve the same results best using the primary energy, respecting conditions...
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Entalpia Engineering has faced over the years the design and construction of some pressure vessels and heat equipments installed in some of our plants. After these experiences is now able to offer a set of products tailored to respond with maximu...
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GT - il giornale del Termoidraulico nel suo numero di maggio ha dedicato un articolo ai lavori eseguiti dalla Entalpia engineering presso l’Hotel Parco dei Principi di Bari. L’articolo si sofferma sulla realizzazione della centrale termic...
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ENTALPIA engineering S.r.l.
Registered office:
Via Gioacchino Murat, 98
70121 Bari Italy
C.da Maccarone Z.I. - C.P. 50
70033 Corato BA Italy
P.Iva 05709060726

Phone +39 080.8725795
Fax +39 080.8725949

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